Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Heh, Cats

It's cool to have a "thing" so that when people ask you what you've been doing lately/why you look so tired and disheveled/how you fill the endless void of time that stretches out before you, you can be like, "Yeah, I've just been really busy volunteering/having kids/training for a marathon."

I have spent many hours pondering what my thing could be. Not volunteering because I don't like committing to a plan more than an hour in advance. Not having kids because I live in a studio apartment and what are boys? Not training for a marathon because gross.

So...it's cats! Just like everyone else on the Internet, only I don't even own one! Reasons I came to this conclusion:

Exhibit A: Yeah, sure, I enjoy a good cat picture. But so does everyone.

Exhibit B: And this? This is just hilarious. No one WOULDN'T enjoy/identify with I Love Cats magazine.

Exhibit C: Fine, whatever, I own ONE cat dress and one cat tank top and I would buy this for my collection in a heartbeat? So?

Exhibit D: A gentle warning from a friend, that's all. let's just keep moving along. It's a JOKE GUYS.

Exhibit E: "Saw this, thought of you." Oh. :(

All of this is not to say I don't want an almost continue flood of cat posts on my Facebook wall, because I do. Keep them coming. Have a great Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

List Blogging Continued

The worst thing is finding a note on your phone called “25 before 26” a month before your birthday. In typical fashion I got to number 6. And it’s still not a good situation. 

1. Learn how to play the accordion. Yeah, no. What. Why. I'm quirky.

2. Stop making the same stupid tilted-head face in every picture. This one actually worked out well for me because instead of trying to make cute-but-not-really faces I just embraced ugly faces and now these pictures are on the internet:

3. Get a tattoo (sorry dad). Did not, will not, can’t even commit to what I'm going to do after work. You're welcome, dad.

4. Rent a car. That sounds fun, self! After that we can write a check and go to the post office! 

5. See The Antlers. I was real close to purchasing that ticket to New York. 

6. Learn how to make curry. Feasibly I COULD do this in the next month. I could. 

In conclusion, the theme for the rest of my life is, "Goals: Why Bother?" 


Monday, February 25, 2013

Things About Me That You Totally Want to Know

I feel like blogging, so I’m going to start the yearly blog post off right with something self-indulgent in a list format. 

First, I like to look at posts where people meticulously go over their possessions. Tell me where you got that rug! Let know know what's in your bag, PLEASE!  Really, I do like them. So much that sometimes I think about doing my own. there is a major discrepancy, however, when I actually sit down to write them.

What I thought would be in my purse as an almost 26-year-old woman:

  • Keys to my condo/loft in the city where I live with my thriving plant collection and a cat.
  • Moleskin notebooks where I write down my thoughts and musings. A separate one for grocery lists!
  • Fancy headphones neatly stowed away in a pouch.
  • Lots of cash because I’m successful and RICH!!!! So rich!

What is really in my purse:

  1. A ripped dollar bill that keeps tricking me but I won't throw away because is that illegal? 
  2. Dessert gum because I read on a blog that it tooootally satiates sugar craving and tastes just like real dessert and if you chew it you will be so skinny and bikini ready! It tastes like plastic sprinkled with lemon flavoring and even that only lasts like three seconds.
  3. Subway cards. So many Subway cards. I don't remember ever going to Subway.
  4. Enough red lipstick to supply every single Marilyn Monroe impersonator should the lipstick industry ever go under.
  5. A ticket to Monster Jam.
  6. A fishing game, sans one fish because someone got a little rowdy last night after the Toro Y Moi show.

At least my Photoshop skills have never been better! Don't look too closely!