Monday, February 9, 2009

the aggie shuttle and other stimulating conversations

Today, rather than post more pictures of my cat, I am going to tell a story to illustrate my life.

Hannah, this should make you less homesick.

Today, after studying all morning and taking a test, I hop the shuttle that will take me back to my car, back to my home and back to my bed. I love naps now, by the way. So I am sitting there, when I realize I forgot to jam my headphones into my ears. At that precise moment, I hear the girl across from me shriek- "Where is your wedding ring?" I froze, mid-reach into my backpack and listened the the repose that was about to come out of the (seemingly) 12-year-old boy next to her. Braces and all, he reached quickly into his backpack and dug around sheepishly. Meanwhile, the pajama clad wife glared apparently unaware that they were out in public verbally lashing him for his blatant disregard for her feelings. On a bus.

h8 it when my husband "forgets" to wear his ring to class and as a result gets attention from girls.

h8 it when I have to yell at my husband on the bus in my pajamas.

h8 it when me and my husbands braces get stuck together when we are making out.

That's my life in Logan.


Hannah said...

BAHAHAAHAHAHA!!! OH man, i wish i was there. thank you for sharing this with me.

elizabeth, eliza, liza, liz, elles, etc. said...

utah is high class living