Thursday, July 22, 2010

An offer

I was thinking about how when I was little my favorite books were about ponies. Then, inevitably, I thought about what a good band name Pony Club Secrets was ( or even The Pony Club if we were venturing into copyright infringement territory). I even MySpaced it to see if it was taken and it was not.

Album cover?

So I guess that means our first album will be titled "Angel and the Flying Stallions." I'm okay with that. In fact, think how many band names could spring from that alone. The Flying Stallions.

Right, I know I don't play any instruments and I sing in a fake voice ONLY, so here is my offer- someone with talent contact me and I will let you use my idea in exchange for money and a part in the band where all I have to do is fake play piano (because no one can really see what you're doing with your fingers.)

In our band's spare time I would like if we could thrift for matching stage costumes and reupholster furniture. 

Ha ha ha just kidding. (No, I'm not. Please someone help me all I can ever be in life is a traveling fake musician.)

Other books I loved that can potentially be band names:

The Silver Slippers, Walk Two Moons or If You Only Knew anyone?

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