Monday, April 11, 2011

Why I can't eat healthy

Fair warning, I use the word salad A LOT in this post and after reading it you probably will feel like it's not a real word anymore.

All day long I have been thinking about the salad I am going to make for dinner. I hated any form of lettuce/spinach/green leafy things until approximately four months ago, but I am going to continue appreciating this new-found salad love until it vanishes as quickly as it came. So, this is the glorious salad I was going to prepare:

Totally amped on the realization I was craving a salad, I started taking it too far (as I am prone to doing). All the sudden I had the next five meals of my life planned out and they all involved some kind of spinach and fruit concoction that I found on fancy food blogs. It had been a long day at work and the thought kept me going for the better part of eight hours. If that sounds pathetic, then I have described it properly.

Internal instances that occurred:
"This project is hard…but I want to eat healthy! I'm a superhero! I can do anything!"

"My neck hurts from looking at a computer screen with my head tilted in bewilderment all day…but as soon I eat those salad meals I am going to feel invincible!"

"EXCEL SPREADHSEET! I would kill you…..but then I wouldn't feel so peaceful as I eat my delicious salad dinner."

Then I got an email.
"Hey…want to get pizza for dinner tonight?"

Seriously? Of course I want to get pizza tonight.

*salad from here

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