Well, well it appears I am now renting an apartment. I say appears because I am not actually sure what just happened. Deven and I went to look at a place and all the sudden it was like cute entry...Wood paneling?... Why is there a sink in the living room?... Oh but I love the windows... Please sign this lease. And it was done. To the apartment's credit, it IS cute and I HAVE been needing to downsize my belongings by like, oh, I don't know 70 percent.
Anyway, the point is, I am moving out! I can't wait for the wild nights in which I will stay up past 11 p.m. and then be cranky the next morning when I wake up at 7 to go to work! Oh ho ho neighbors, you better watch out for the soft indie-folk tunes that will be pouring out of my stereo during those late nights. That smell? Oh that's just my INCENSE (burned strictly because I like the scent, not to cover drug use of any sort) suckaaaa!
Yesterday I used dry shampoo in a desperate attempt to avoid showering and it made my hair turn a shade of gray that could only be remedied by taking a shower. Isn't that ironic. Are those two thoughts related? I'm not sure.
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