Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm hungry

Let me tell you about a new little love of mine called a romper.

For those unaware, that is the romper that I am currently pining after. I have a renewed interest in wearing only clothes i can buy for under $5 at Thrift Town. Luckily, there are rompers in every shape, color, size and floral pattern to satiate my desire... Through fraught with peril (ie trying to quickly go to the bathroom before you pee your pants- next to impossible in a romper, FYI) wearing one reminds me of spring. and spring reminds me that I will not be cold and devoid of sunlight for eternity.

Oh, so this weekend I bought a glue gun. Does anyone read any cute crafty-type Web sites that don't make you feel like you are nearly geriatric? (Hannah, I know what you are thinking.) I don't have television anymore so I am thinking I will need a hobby for the evening hours...


Hannah said...

bahahahahahahaha. First of all, the romper. We sell those at the bookstore...however, they are children's rompers. And I just think it's a funny word, like "let's take a romp in the hay. or sack." oy. i'm shameful.

Secondly, the GLUE GUN??? I LOVE IT! I wish we lived together again. Er, well we never lived together, but we almost did and practically did for awhile.

Let's play soon, mmmmk? And let me know when you shall be in the land of Logan!

alison said...

okay i've always been skeptical of the romper. convert me.

let's learn to quilt! want to? you can use your glue gun if you want.