Tuesday, April 10, 2012

For the fans

Ughhhhhh everyone has been asking me to update the ol' blog almost constantly, so here you go. YOU VULTURES.

(sent March 27, stop hounding me PLEASE)

What do you want? Pictures of people driving? Fine. I have those.

Weird pictures of unhealthy food on my lap? You guys, just chill out, I have plenty to go around.

(clockwise from left: McDonald's, burritos, wings, French pastries)
Yeah, I know, where's the pizza? I'm saving that post so, seriously, calm down.

Every cat picture I have on my phone? I'm sorry, I don't have ten hours to scroll through them all but fiiiiiiiine here's a taste.

(the middle one might not be a cat.)

So there you go, my heart and soul poured out on the pages of this blog. Love you guys.