Sunday, October 12, 2008

my tooth hurts

Oh man.
I took a weekday trip down to SLC town on Weds. to see Neva Dinova and it was quite nice. Dave and I mostly sat outside, since it was at Kilby, and talked over the music...but it was a lovely backdrop for conversation. We definitely did not miss "Dances Fantastic" though, it was so magical to hear live. I wish I had pictures.

Then on Thurs. I had to get a root canal. I was terrified. I nearly go into panic attacks when I have to get a cavity filled, so basically I was on the verge of a breakdown as I arrived at the dentists office. I HATE anything to do with my teeth, loud noises, pain, needles and keeping my mouth open for long periods of time. This involved all that and more. I made both my mom and Billy come for moral support... It was a very unpleasant experience and, as shrapnel from my (former) tooth flew at me, I decided I would rather die than ever do it again.

Friday...well Friday was Friday. I was on a lot of painkillers due to said tooth and missed class, slept all day, got behind and pretty much don't remember anything.

and Sat. was a glorious mini photo with Hannah...I love miniatures. So we took pictures of them. Mmmmmhmmmmm, I will steal some pictures from Hannah as soon as she puts them on Facebook, don't worry.

So there you go, a little recap cause I have nothing else to write about.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

This weekend.

Live deliberate, but live dangerous.
One reckless moment makes everything more vivid. Watching clouds roll in from downtown balconies, eating burritos at 4 a.m., dirty hair and anticipation, hugs from my little brothers, playing in the rain, crying so hard and laughing so wildly...but either way feeling present, mix c.d.'s with perfect beautiful songs that I could curl up and live inside. It was all so nice. All so real.

I just think that you dance good.