Thursday, February 17, 2011

VD and Hot Dogs. Not a metaphor.

Valentine's Day was a lovely affair. If you're ever wanting to hang out with adolescents on their first awkward group date or old men with gambling addictions, might I suggest Nickel Mania on Valentine's Day? It was seriously the best. David and I went NICKEL INSANE. 

For Valentine's Day, I tracked down a hot dog toaster for Dave. He got me a Kindle, so it's hard to tell who really came out ahead here. It was partly as a nod to "How I Met Your Mother" and partly because I thought it was not a real thing until I bought it online.

It's real. Now, a little precursor before I tell you about our hot dog feast last night. Ever since I was little I have had this weird thing about hot dogs. I seriously can't stand the smell, look, taste, etc. of them 90% of the time. The other 10% it's like hot dogs are made of every delicious food in the world and if I don't eat 100 in one sitting I will never be happy again.  My mom feels the same way, so it might be a genetic thing. 

So. This all led to Hot Dog Binge 2011.  I'm going to play out the rest of the night through a series of conversations:

First scene, entering the grocery store. 
Dave: "What should we get at the store besides hot dogs and buns?"
Me: "I'm probably just going to have one hot dog. I don't really like them. So maybe I'll just buy a little salad or something."
Dave: "Okay, I'll just get some chips then."

Ten minutes later, after I have chosen aforementioned salad and we head over to the hot dog section.
Dave, staring at the wall of hot dogs: "What kind?"
Me, starting to get the hot dog fever: "Um let's get the most expensive because they probably taste the best. What about these? or these? Are these real beef? Are these? No. Oh, these look good! Yeah...real good...I'm starting to get really hungry."
People behind us: "grumble grumble"

Later, in the chip aisle.
 Me, feeling really anxious to eat a hot dog, losing all sense of rationality: "GET THE SOUR CREAM AND ONION. I'm going to eat these chips and hot dogs TO DEATH. I want AT LEAST five hot dogs. HOT DOGS UNTIL I PUKE!"
Dave: "Okay I'm just going to grab a dr--"
Me: "HOT. DOGS."

At home, with the hot dog maker all plugged in and ready to toast some hot dogs.
 Me, desperation in my eyes: "Hot dog machine I NEEEED a hot dog. Please, please, please, I'm begging you. Why is it taking so long?!???"

Fade to black. An hour later, the salad sits forlornly in the fridge.
 Me: "I want to die. Why did I eat three and a half hot dogs."
Dave: "My stomach hurts. So. Many. Hot. Dogs."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Feverrrrr

Great things about today:

  •  I got to wear leggings as pants. My work decided to have an Oscars party today and we were supposed to dress like a celebrity. After some brainstorming here in the marketing department, we decided we would all go as incognito celebs. I immediately called Mary-Kate Olsen. Hellloooooo leggings and 5 rings and 20 necklaces and dirty hair. It's practically a dream come true for me to come to work like this. 
  •  Endless supplies of sugar cookies with red hots on top. The bestttt. My lovely co-workers also made my dreams come true by bringing sugar cookies, fun dip and coke gummies. I had four sugar cookies for breakfast. And fun dip. A sugar stick that you dip in sugar. 

  • My glasses from Warby Parker are here! Now I just have to decide which ones I want.Hopefully the creepy bathroom shots I sent Alison will help her help me.
  •   I have a hot date tonight that consists of Estes pizza and Nickel Cade. Only my favorite things in the world.

Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sassy ensemble of the week

I hesitate to talk about bad sartorial choices I see in real life on this blog because it feels kind of mean-spirited and who am I to judge? I wear the same pants every day and my hair is permanently formed into a braid because that's the only hairstyle I've found that looks the same whether or not you sleep on it. Which I do. For several days at a time.
But I just can't get this outfit out of my head. I have to share what I saw someone wearing at bookbinding class this week. Behold:
A utilikilt

 Scrunch socks

and Sketchers shape- ups

At the same time, though, I have to give him props for branching out.  So kudos to you utilikilt man, I'm glad not everyone feels the need to play by the "men should wear pants" rule and I bet your pockets are really useful for toting around trinkets.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Still loving this photo app

 I get pretty much endless entertainment by asking David to wear my sunglasses and then calling him Kurt Cobain. I tried to force him into wearing my potato sack coat to complete the look, but he politely declined.

This is Kurt and I enjoying some breakfast burritos at Sonic ("Kurt face! Kurt face!" was my direction).

This weekend Kurt gifted me a guitar strap...this beauty:

I'm well on my way to guitar greatness. Now to learn more than three chords. and rhythm. I will need that.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Saw your face, in a crowded place

Today James Blunt came to my work:

As a little bit of a preface, Deven and I were obsessed with making jokes about "You're Beautiful" our freshman year. We made a collage and sang each other that phrase almost daily in a high falsetto voice. Never did I ever dream that this joke would someday be my reality. He almost cried while singing. It was the most hilarious day of work to date.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Loving Lately

This video:

This morsel:

 This cat:

No credit for any of these images...sorry for my bad internet etiquette.