Sunday, October 12, 2008

my tooth hurts

Oh man.
I took a weekday trip down to SLC town on Weds. to see Neva Dinova and it was quite nice. Dave and I mostly sat outside, since it was at Kilby, and talked over the music...but it was a lovely backdrop for conversation. We definitely did not miss "Dances Fantastic" though, it was so magical to hear live. I wish I had pictures.

Then on Thurs. I had to get a root canal. I was terrified. I nearly go into panic attacks when I have to get a cavity filled, so basically I was on the verge of a breakdown as I arrived at the dentists office. I HATE anything to do with my teeth, loud noises, pain, needles and keeping my mouth open for long periods of time. This involved all that and more. I made both my mom and Billy come for moral support... It was a very unpleasant experience and, as shrapnel from my (former) tooth flew at me, I decided I would rather die than ever do it again.

Friday...well Friday was Friday. I was on a lot of painkillers due to said tooth and missed class, slept all day, got behind and pretty much don't remember anything.

and Sat. was a glorious mini photo with Hannah...I love miniatures. So we took pictures of them. Mmmmmhmmmmm, I will steal some pictures from Hannah as soon as she puts them on Facebook, don't worry.

So there you go, a little recap cause I have nothing else to write about.


Hannah said...

baha. are you sure you are not still on the pain killers? yup, Friday you were pretty out of it, i must admit. said pictures should be posted shortly.

elizabeth, eliza, liza, liz, elles, etc. said...

i had a root canal...and it took multiple trips to the dentist office to fix..oh, did i mention it was on the day of graduation? so i was numb up until the moment the ceremony started, don't worry, i blogged about it too. i cried hysterically in the dentists chair, i wasn't numb all the way and then he hit my nerve. AWESOME. i miss you, i love you. i hope the pain killers are working because they didn't for me, i bruised and was sore for woeeks.