Wednesday, September 14, 2011

let's bond over mutual hatred

Do you have a Pinterest? Do you hate how every single person captions their pictures as a personal question? Then I have the blog for you:

Nobody judge me for being an internet bully. Or for making like 100 new Tumblrs a day. If someone ever heavily Google searched me they would find a blog devoted to a cat picture, a blog making fun of a fashion blogger, a blog about music circa 2006 and a married blog by Deven and I. Follow through is not my strong suit.


meg said...

oh. my. hell.

i am DYING. this is the best thing ever.

lacy.lynn said...

yesssssssssss. thanks for bringing this joy into my afternoon. please keep spreading this service throughout pinterest.

alex said...

I followed but only on the condition that you follow through with this gem.