Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Heh, Cats

It's cool to have a "thing" so that when people ask you what you've been doing lately/why you look so tired and disheveled/how you fill the endless void of time that stretches out before you, you can be like, "Yeah, I've just been really busy volunteering/having kids/training for a marathon."

I have spent many hours pondering what my thing could be. Not volunteering because I don't like committing to a plan more than an hour in advance. Not having kids because I live in a studio apartment and what are boys? Not training for a marathon because gross.

So...it's cats! Just like everyone else on the Internet, only I don't even own one! Reasons I came to this conclusion:

Exhibit A: Yeah, sure, I enjoy a good cat picture. But so does everyone.

Exhibit B: And this? This is just hilarious. No one WOULDN'T enjoy/identify with I Love Cats magazine.

Exhibit C: Fine, whatever, I own ONE cat dress and one cat tank top and I would buy this for my collection in a heartbeat? So?

Exhibit D: A gentle warning from a friend, that's all. let's just keep moving along. It's a JOKE GUYS.

Exhibit E: "Saw this, thought of you." Oh. :(

All of this is not to say I don't want an almost continue flood of cat posts on my Facebook wall, because I do. Keep them coming. Have a great Tuesday.