Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I forgot to put a title until just now

I am about to show you the most beautiful bicycle to ever grace my eyes:

and now a confession: I am too scared to ride a bike around the city. Even though it is a baby city, I am terrified of being one with cars when all I have is a slight metal frame and a Styrofoam helmet to protect me.

I don't know the etiquette of real-life bike riding. I'm good as long as there are bike lanes, but once it is me and the bare street...terror. I'm telling you. Do I do arm signals? Switching lanes when I need to turn left?!?? What if someone drives to close to me and hits me with their side-view mirror? Havoc. In my mind riding a bicycle downtown is havoc.

Update: I just ate one of those those cheese and cracker things with the sweet little red stick and it had so much cheese on it that I almost threw up...It seems I am no longer a child capable of loving insane amounts of processed cheese. Sad.

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